Rad 1: |
Rad 1: |
| | = flatpak-build-update-repo(1) = |
| |
| | == NAME == |
| | '''flatpak-build-update-repo''' – Skapar eller uppdaterar metadata för ett Flatpak-repository |
| |
| <!DOCTYPE html>
| | == SYNOPSIS == |
| <html lang="en-US">
| | flatpak build-update-repo [OPTION...] LOCATION |
| <head>
| |
| <meta charset="utf-8">
| |
| <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
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| |
| <title>flatpak-build-update-repo(1) - Linux manual page</title>
| | == DESCRIPTION == |
| <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../style.css" title="style" />
| | Uppdaterar metadata för repositoryt vid '''LOCATION'''. |
| <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../style.css" title="style" />
| |
| </head>
| |
| |
| <body>
| | Detta kommando skapar en OSTree-sammanfattningsfil (summary) som visar innehållet i repositoryt. Sammanfattningen används av till exempel `flatpak remote-ls` för att visa fjärrinnehåll. |
| |
| <div class="page-top"><a id="top_of_page"></a></div>
| | Efter körning kan katalogen '''LOCATION''' användas som Flatpak-repository via `file://` eller HTTP. |
| <!--%%%TOP_BAR%%%-->
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| <div class="nav-bar">
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| <table class="nav-table">
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| <a href="../../../index.html">man7.org</a> > Linux > <a href="../index.html">man-pages</a>
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| <hr class="nav-end" />
| | == OPTIONS == |
| |
| <!--%%%PAGE_START%%%-->
| | ; -h, --help |
| <h1>flatpak-build-update-repo(1) — Linux manual page</h1>
| | : Visa hjälptext och avsluta. |
| |
| | ; --redirect-url=URL |
| | : Pekar om repositoryt till en ny URL. |
| |
| <table class="sec-table">
| | ; --title=TITLE |
| <tr>
| | : Titel på repositoryt (för användning i UI). |
| <td>
| |
| <p class="section-dir">
| |
| <a href="#NAME">NAME</a> | <a href="#SYNOPSIS">SYNOPSIS</a> | <a href="#DESCRIPTION">DESCRIPTION</a> | <a href="#OPTIONS">OPTIONS</a> | <a href="#SEE_ALSO">SEE ALSO</a> | <a href="#COLOPHON">COLOPHON</a>
| |
| </p>
| |
| </td>
| |
| </tr>
| |
| <tr>
| |
| <td class="search-box">
| |
| <div class="man-search-box">
| |
| |
| <form method="get" action="https://www.google.com/search">
| | ; --comment=COMMENT |
| <fieldset class="man-search">
| | : En kort kommentar för repositoryt. |
| <input type="text" name="q" size="10" maxlength="255" value="" />
| |
| <input type="hidden" name="sitesearch" value="man7.org/linux/man-pages" />
| |
| <input type="submit" name="sa" value="Search online pages" />
| |
| </fieldset>
| |
| </form>
| |
| |
| </div>
| | ; --description=DESCRIPTION |
| </td>
| | : Längre beskrivning för repositoryt. |
| <td> </td>
| |
| </tr>
| |
| </table>
| |
| |
| <!--%%%TEXT_START%%%-->
| | ; --homepage=URL |
| <pre>
| | : Länk till webbplats associerad med repositoryt. |
| <span class="headline"><i>FLATPAK BUILD-UPDAT</i>(1) flatpak build-update-repo <i>FLATPAK BUILD-UPDAT</i>(1)</span>
| |
| </pre>
| |
| <h2><a id="NAME" href="#NAME"></a>NAME <a href="#top_of_page"><span class="top-link">top</span></a></h2><pre>
| |
| flatpak-build-update-repo - Create a repository from a build
| |
| directory
| |
| </pre>
| |
| <h2><a id="SYNOPSIS" href="#SYNOPSIS"></a>SYNOPSIS <a href="#top_of_page"><span class="top-link">top</span></a></h2><pre>
| |
| |
| <b>flatpak build-update-repo </b>[OPTION...] LOCATION
| | ; --icon=URL |
| </pre>
| | : URL till en ikon för repositoryt. |
| <h2><a id="DESCRIPTION" href="#DESCRIPTION"></a>DESCRIPTION <a href="#top_of_page"><span class="top-link">top</span></a></h2><pre>
| |
| Updates repository metadata for the repository at LOCATION. This
| |
| command generates an OSTree summary file that lists the contents
| |
| of the repository. The summary is used by flatpak remote-ls and
| |
| other commands to display the contents of remote repositories.
| |
| |
| After this command, LOCATION can be used as the repository
| | ; --default-branch=BRANCH |
| location for flatpak remote-add, either by exporting it over http,
| | : Anger standardbranch (t.ex. "master") för UI-syften. |
| or directly with a file: url.
| |
| </pre>
| |
| <h2><a id="OPTIONS" href="#OPTIONS"></a>OPTIONS <a href="#top_of_page"><span class="top-link">top</span></a></h2><pre>
| |
| The following options are understood:
| |
| |
| <b>-h</b>, <b>--help</b>
| | ; --gpg-import=FIL |
| Show help options and exit.
| | : Importera en GPG-public key från angiven fil. |
| |
| <b>--redirect-url=URL</b>
| | ; --collection-id=ID |
| Redirect this repo to a new URL.
| | : Globalt unik identifierare (t.ex. om repositoryt ska speglas publikt). |
| |
| <b>--title=TITLE</b>
| | ; --deploy-collection-id |
| A title for the repository, e.g. for display in a UI. The
| | : Aktiverar collection-ID i statisk konfiguration för klienter. Bör användas vid nytt publikt repo. |
| title is stored in the repository summary.
| |
| |
| <b>--comment=COMMENT</b>
| | ; --deploy-sideload-collection-id |
| A single-line comment for the remote, e.g. for display in a
| | : Samma som ovan, men aktiveras bara för klienter med Flatpak ≥ 1.7. |
| UI. The comment is stored in the repository summary.
| |
| |
| <b>--description=DESCRIPTION</b>
| | ; --gpg-sign=KEYID |
| A full-paragraph description for the remote, e.g. for display
| | : Signera med angiven GPG-nyckel (kan upprepas). |
| in a UI. The description is stored in the repository summary.
| |
| |
| <b>--homepage=URL</b>
| | ; --gpg-homedir=PATH |
| URL for a website for the remote, e.g. for display in a UI.
| | : Anger katalog med GPG-nyckelringar. |
| The url is stored in the repository summary.
| |
| |
| <b>--icon=URL</b>
| | ; --generate-static-deltas |
| URL for an icon for the remote, e.g. for display in a UI. The
| | : Genererar statiska deltas för snabbare nedladdning. |
| url is stored in the repository summary.
| |
| |
| <b>--default-branch=BRANCH</b>
| | ; --static-delta-jobs=ANTAL |
| A default branch for the repository, mainly for use in a UI.
| | : Begränsar antal samtidiga deltajobb (standard: antal CPU-kärnor). |
| |
| <b>--gpg-import=FILE</b>
| | ; --static-delta-ignore-ref=PATTERN |
| Import a new default GPG public key from the given file.
| | : Utesluter vissa referenser (t.ex. "*.Sources") från delta-generering. |
| |
| <b>--collection-id=COLLECTION-ID</b>
| | ; --prune |
| The globally unique identifier of the remote repository, to
| | : Tar bort orefererade objekt i repositoryt. |
| allow mirrors to be grouped. This must be set to a globally
| |
| unique reverse DNS string if the repository is to be made
| |
| publicly available. If a collection ID is already set on an
| |
| existing repository, this will update it. If not specified,
| |
| the existing collection ID will be left unchanged.
| |
| |
| <b>--deploy-collection-id</b>
| | ; --prune-depth=NUMMER |
| Deploy the collection ID (set using <b>--collection-id</b>) in the
| | : Behåller maximalt detta antal tidigare versioner. Standard är -1 (obegränsat). |
| static remote configuration for all clients. This is
| |
| irrevocable once published in a repository. Use it to decide
| |
| when to roll out a collection ID to users of an existing
| |
| repository. If constructing a new repository which has a
| |
| collection ID, you should typically always pass this option.
| |
| |
| <b>--deploy-sideload-collection-id</b>
| | ; -v, --verbose |
| This is similar to --deploy-collection-id, but it only applies
| | : Visa felsökningsinformation. |
| the deploy to clients newer than flatpak 1.7 which supports
| |
| the new form of sideloads.
| |
| |
| <b>--gpg-sign=KEYID</b>
| | ; --ostree-verbose |
| Sign the commit with this GPG key. This option can be used
| | : Visa detaljerad OSTree-debug-info. |
| multiple times.
| |
| |
| <b>--gpg-homedir=PATH</b>
| | == SEE ALSO == |
| GPG Homedir to use when looking for keyrings
| | * [[flatpak(1)]] |
| | * [[flatpak-remote-ls(1)]] |
| | * [[flatpak-build-export(1)]] |
| | * [[ostree(1)]] |
| |
| <b>--generate-static-deltas</b>
| | == COLOPHON == |
| Generate static deltas for all references. This generates
| | Denna manualsida är en del av '''Flatpak-projektet''' – ett verktyg för att paketera och distribuera desktop-appar på Linux. |
| from-empty and delta static files that allow for faster
| |
| download.
| |
| |
| <b>--static-delta-jobs=NUM-JOBS</b>
| | * Hemsida: [http://flatpak.org/ flatpak.org] |
| Limit the number of parallel jobs creating static deltas. The
| | * Källkod: [https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak GitHub – flatpak] |
| default is the number of cpus.
| | * Felrapporter: [mailto:man-pages@man7.org man-pages@man7.org] |
| |
| <b>--static-delta-ignore-ref=PATTERN</b>
| | Dokumentationen baseras på källkoden från 2025-02-02 (senaste commit: 2025-01-14). |
| Don't generate deltas for runtime or application id matching
| |
| this pattern. For instance,
| |
| --static-delta-ignore-ref=*.Sources means there will not be
| |
| any deltas for source refs.
| |
| |
| <b>--prune</b>
| | = Sidslut = |
| Remove unreferenced objects in repo.
| |
| |
| <b>--prune-depth</b>
| | Orginalhemsidan på Engelska https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/flatpak-build-update-repo.1.html |
| Only keep at most this number of old versions for any
| | <HR> |
| particular ref. Default is -1 which means infinite.
| | Det här är en maskinöversättning av Linux man sidor till svenska. Om du hittar fel är vi tacksamma om du rapporterar dem via formuläret som finns på |
| | https://www.linux.se/kontaka-linux-se/ |
| | <BR><BR>Tack till [https://www.datorhjalp.se Datorhjälp] som har sponsrat [https://www.linux.se Linux.se] med webbhotell. |
| |
| <b>-v</b>, <b>--verbose</b>
| | [[Kategori:Linuxmanual grupp 1]] |
| Print debug information during command processing.
| | [[Kategori:Linuxmanual]] |
| | |
| <b>--ostree-verbose</b>
| |
| Print OSTree debug information during command processing.
| |
| </pre>
| |
| <h2><a id="SEE_ALSO" href="#SEE_ALSO"></a>SEE ALSO <a href="#top_of_page"><span class="top-link">top</span></a></h2><pre>
| |
| <b>ostree</b>(1), <a href="../man1/flatpak.1.html">flatpak(1)</a>, <a href="../man1/flatpak-remote-ls.1.html">flatpak-remote-ls(1)</a>,
| |
| <a href="../man1/flatpak-build-export.1.html">flatpak-build-export(1)</a>
| |
| </pre>
| |
| <h2><a id="COLOPHON" href="#COLOPHON"></a>COLOPHON <a href="#top_of_page"><span class="top-link">top</span></a></h2><pre>
| |
| This page is part of the <i>flatpak</i> (a tool for building and
| |
| distributing desktop applications on Linux) project. Information
| |
| about the project can be found at ⟨<a href="http://flatpak.org/">http://flatpak.org/</a>⟩. It is
| |
| not known how to report bugs for this man page; if you know,
| |
| please send a mail to man-pages@man7.org. This page was obtained
| |
| from the project's upstream Git repository
| |
| ⟨<a href="https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak">https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak</a>⟩ on 2025-02-02. (At that
| |
| time, the date of the most recent commit that was found in the
| |
| repository was 2025-01-14.) If you discover any rendering
| |
| problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there is
| |
| a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
| |
| corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
| |
| (which is <i>not</i> part of the original manual page), send a mail to
| |
| man-pages@man7.org
| |
| | |
| <span class="footline">flatpak <i>FLATPAK BUILD-UPDAT</i>(1)</span>
| |
| </pre>
| |
| | |
| <hr class="end-man-text" />
| |
| <p>Pages that refer to this page:
| |
| <a href="../man1/flatpak.1.html">flatpak(1)</a>,
| |
| <a href="../man1/flatpak-build-bundle.1.html">flatpak-build-bundle(1)</a>,
| |
| <a href="../man1/flatpak-build-commit-from.1.html">flatpak-build-commit-from(1)</a>,
| |
| <a href="../man1/flatpak-build-export.1.html">flatpak-build-export(1)</a>,
| |
| <a href="../man1/flatpak-build-import-bundle.1.html">flatpak-build-import-bundle(1)</a>,
| |
| <a href="../man1/flatpak-repo.1.html">flatpak-repo(1)</a>
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