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LVRESIZE(8) — Linux manual page


lvresize — Resize a logical volume


lvresize Mall:ic \

   [ Mall:ic ] \
   [ Mall:ic ]

Mall:ic contiguous|cling|cling_by_tags|normal|anywhere|inherit \ Mall:ic y|n \ Mall:ic String \ Mall:ic String \ Mall:ic \ Mall:ic PV \ Mall:ic String \ Mall:ic y|n \ Mall:ic [+|-]Number[PERCENT] \ Mall:ic \ Mall:ic \ Mall:ic String \ Mall:ic String \ Mall:ic \ Mall:ic \ Mall:ic \ Mall:ic \ Mall:ic \ Mall:ic \ Mall:ic [+]Size[m|UNIT] \ Mall:ic String \ Mall:ic \ Mall:ic basic|json \ Mall:ic \ Mall:ic [+|-]Size[m|UNIT] \ Mall:ic Number \ Mall:ic Size[k|UNIT] \ Mall:ic \ Mall:ic linear|striped|snapshot|raid|mirror|thin|thin-pool|vdo|vdo-pool|cache|cache-pool|writecache \ Mall:ic \ Mall:ic \ Mall:ic


lvresize resizes an LV in the same way as Mall:man and Mall:man. See Mall:man and Mall:man for more information.

In the usage section below, Mall:ic Size can be replaced with Mall:ic Number. See both descriptions in the options section.


Resize an LV by a specified size:


Resize an LV by specified PV extents:


Resize a pool metadata SubLV by a specified size:


LV1 types: Mall:ic

Common options for command:


Common options for LVM:



  • --alloc contiguous|cling|cling_by_tags|normal|anywhere|inherit
 Determines the allocation policy when a command needs to allocate Physical Extents (PEs) from the VG.
  • -A|--autobackup y|n
 Specifies if metadata should be backed up automatically after a change.
  • --commandprofile String
 The command profile to use for command configuration.
  • --config String
 Config settings for the command.
  • -d|--debug
 Set debug level. Repeat from 1 to 6 times to increase the detail of messages sent to the log file and/or syslog.
  • --devices PV
 Devices that the command can use.
  • --devicesfile String
 A file listing devices that LVM should use.
  • --driverloaded y|n
 If set to no, the command will not attempt to use device-mapper.
  • -l|--extents [+|-]Number[PERCENT]
 Specifies the new size of the LV in logical extents.
  • -f|--force
 Override various checks, confirmations, and protections.
  • -h|--help
 Display help text.
  • --journal String
 Record information in the systemd journal.
  • --lockopt String
 Used to pass options for special cases to lvmlockd.
  • --longhelp
 Display long help text.
  • -n|--nofsck
 Do not perform fsck before resizing filesystem when filesystem requires it.
  • --nohints
 Do not use the hints file to locate devices for PVs.
  • --nolocking
 Disable locking.
  • --nosync
 Causes the creation of mirror, raid1, raid4, raid5, and raid10 to skip the initial synchronization.
  • --noudevsync
 Disables udev synchronization.
  • --poolmetadatasize [+]Size[m|UNIT]
 Specifies the new size of the pool metadata LV.
  • --profile String
 An alias for --commandprofile or --metadataprofile, depending on the command.
  • -q|--quiet
 Suppress output and log messages.
  • --reportformat basic|json
 Overrides current output format for reports.
  • -r|--resizefs
 Resize underlying filesystem together with the LV using fsadm(8).
  • -L|--size [+|-]Size[m|UNIT]
 Specifies the new size of the LV.
  • -i|--stripes Number
 Specifies the number of stripes in a striped LV.
  • -I|--stripesize Size[k|UNIT]
 The amount of data that is written to one device before moving to the next in a striped LV.
  • -t|--test
 Run in test mode.
  • --type linear|striped|snapshot|raid|mirror|thin|thin-pool|vdo|vdo-pool|cache|cache-pool|writecache
 The LV type, also known as "segment type" or "segtype".
  • -v|--verbose
 Set verbose level.
  • --version
 Display version information.
  • -y|--yes
 Do not prompt for confirmation interactively but always assume the answer yes.


  • LV
 Logical Volume name.
  • PV
 Physical Volume name.
  • String
 See the option description for information about the string content.
  • Size[UNIT]
 Size is an input number that accepts an optional unit.


See Mall:man for information about environment variables used by LVM.


  • Extend an LV by 16MB using specific physical extents:
  • Resize an LV to use 50% of the size volume group:



This page is part of the lvm2 (Logical Volume Manager 2) project. Information about the project can be found at ⟨⟩. If you have a bug report for this manual page, see ⟨⟩. This page was obtained from the project's upstream Git repository ⟨git://⟩ on 14 June 2024. (At that time, the date of the most recent commit that was found in the repository was 11 June 2024.) If you discover any rendering problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or if you have corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to

Red Hat, Inc. \ LVM TOOLS 2.03.25(2)-git (16 May 2024) LVRESIZE(8)


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